"an expanse of sound scenieres that can be heard in a single listening experience"

sobota, 27 października 2012

Mark de Clive-Lowe - Get Started ft Omar (Full Crate Remix)

Lovely! Freebie Saturday! This remix is lifted from the "Get Started Remix EP". Our favorite dutch producer and DJ from Amsterdam Full Crate (22 Tracks) brings a fresh, energetic remix to "Get Started" with a screwed down vocal sample, hand claps, booming bass tones and a series rhythm that hits really deep. The EP highlights the second single from Mark de Cilve-Lowe's noted "Renegades" album. The EP with original cuts and a handful of eclectic remixes will be out October 30th on Tru Thoughts. Don't miss this, and make sure you download!

wtorek, 23 października 2012

Groundislava made some Cool stuff recently

At the very beginning of the summer we wrote about Groundislava's TV Dream EP, as planned Jasper's sophomore album came out in September and the WEDIDIT Collective member certainly delivered. Chiptune-ish feel is still there, as well as the nostalgia and heavy , yet subtle textures. Actually that's our definition what beatscapes are about, not the dull post-dilla 80bpm shit from knxwledge's and 1KT's of this world. The LP is ofc available in most good record stores.

After the release of Feel Me an obligatory XLR8R mix followed - in my humble opinion one of the best this year, essantial download. Featuring many dope Groundislava cool mixes for label friends.. of Friends and LA cats like Benedek the mix has a relaxed feel but surely would work on the dancefloor. 

                       Download it HERE

And for the last, straight from soundcloud - Groundislava cool mix of Ghost Pt.2, why it didn't make to the vinyl is a mystery:

poniedziałek, 22 października 2012

SWW - Your Silence Is Killing Me (Limited Edition 7" Vinyl)

There are a lot of new, thrilling ways of creating pop music to be discovered, no question about that. South London's Sarah Williams White (abbreviated to SWW) is one of those artists who have taken a lot of risk on the single Your Silence Is Killing Me, but this risk pays off in the creation of one of the dopest pop tracks I've heard since ages. Killer, classic, quirky blend of boom bap & pop. The single was released as a 7" with a remix on the b-side from her brother Paul White. Check it and get your own 7" HERE.

SWW - Your Silence Is Killing Me

piątek, 19 października 2012

Kota Motomura - Sun

Kota Motomura's a Tokyo based DJ and producer and Sun is his first release on belgian label. King Kung Foo. Deep & soulful slo-mo disco killer, Sun really delivers when the bass kicks in and then smoothly glides under the jazzy chords and keys. The 12'' (available in most stores) has a more uptempo Tony Watson remix on the flipside, but I guess I'll stick w/ the classy original mix.

Kota Motomura - Sun 

czwartek, 18 października 2012

VILLΛGE - Takeover

I've spotted this killer tune on so far one of my favorite music blogs - Gluttony Is The New Black, big ups Dre! Thanks to her, I was introduced to Romania's Vali Dragomir, also known as producer VILLΛGE. A name that didn't ring a bell, serves up a bass driven tune that completly knocked my socks off upon first listen. Takover is dominated by skittering drums of future UK Garage fused with sexy R&B vocals have been sliced into pieces and carefully laid over a classy instrumental. Free download!!!

VILLΛGE - Takeover

środa, 17 października 2012

M.E.D. x Steve Arrington x Stones Throw x Serato

After the Donut Shop, Serato teams up w/ Stones Throw 1nce again. Two slipmats, 2 discs - 2 control tone sides & 8 exclusive tracks from ST roster on the remaning. My personal highlights are those featuring Steve Arrington - Privacy from M.E.D.'s Classic full length, and Tap That from collabo album with Dam-Funk which just  can't get released (3 year running), nonetheless, they're straight up bangers. 

M.E.D. feat. Steve Arrington - Privacy

   download: HERE


wtorek, 16 października 2012

Mo Kolours - Brave / Dredd Music 7" (Limited to 300 Copies)

There is a rumor that the final instalment in Mo Kolours' trilogy of EPs for OHM (One Handed Music), EP3: Tusk Dance, will be out early 2013. Keep an eye on this release, as OHM we'll be revealing more details and music very soon. Before that, we get a hand-stamped and numbered white label 7"with the A-side track called Brave, available for free download. B-side is exclusive to the 7" and not available digitally. If you want your copy, you gotta act very quick, as bandcamp copies were sold out within 24h. You can still grab a copy here: Rush HourSounds Of The UniverseChemical Records, and Bookmat.

poniedziałek, 15 października 2012

Kidkanevil x Daisuke Tanabe - Kidsuke

Project Mooncircle continues their steady stream of quality releases - this time it's UK's Kidkanevil and Japan's Daisuke Tanabe who make an collaborative effort under the alias Kidsuke. Distorted effects, heavy-pulsating  bass and lots of unsuspected sound layer combinations work together w/ great effect, but the little details of bleeps, childhood melodies and toy sounds make the LP so intriguing. It's out on November 2nd, on orange wax. 

Kidsuke - SGstep 

sobota, 13 października 2012

Andrés - Second Time Around EP

"Second Time Around" is Andrés' sophomore release on his own label La Vida. For some of you Andrés is probably one that really needs no introduction, but for some of you this name could be completly unfamiliar. Andrés, aka DJ Dez, is one of Detroit's veterans, and unsung heros of underground music. He's got extremely respectable catalog of records released during 90's, most notably his releases on KDJ and Mahogani. We can't forget, that DJ Dez is also Slum Village's DJ, and has released a couple of hip hop instrumentals on Hipnotech Records. Nuff said. Releases like "Second Time Around" tells us why Detroit is such a mecca for modern dance music. Check the track Hart Plaza below and enjoy an impressive collage of samples that merge into killing groove.

czwartek, 11 października 2012

DISSECTION: Roux Spana - Kilkaset Słów Prawdy (Niewidzialna Nerka)

Niewidzialna Nerka is a milestone for the polish beat scene. We've said that when it came out and still stick to it (after a long summer of intense listening). Scene, which was out there, growing fast and getting lots of buzz thanks to U Know Me Records and ofc S1 Warsaw aiding the capital crowds with world-class bookings, but didn't have a sampler to show "this is us and our sound is heading into a new direction". Most producers who appeared on the comp have a hip-hop background, so nostalgia for the good 'ol times didn't dissappear. Kilkaset Słów Prawdy is one of biggest jams, we have the pleasure to know the author so it didn't took long to hook up for a little dissection exclusive for Beastcapes:

Niewidzialna Nerka to kamień milowy dla polskej sceny nowo-bitowej. Mówiliśmy to jak NN wyszła i trzymamy się dalej (po całym lecie intesywnego słuchania). Scena na fali wznoszącej, w szczególności dzięki UKM Records i S1 Warsaw (ogarniające dla warszawskiej publiki konkretne bookingi), ale nie mająca jednego wydawnictwa, które by dało jasny przekaz "to my i nasze brzmienie, idziemy w tym kierunku". Większość producentów z NN zjadła zęby na rapie jak Wilku, więc wraz z nowym brzmieniem nostalgia dla starych czasów na pewno nie zniknęła. Kilkaset Słów Prawdy to jeden z największych sztosów, mamy przyjemność znać autora, więc nie trwało długo nim się umówiliśmy na małe dissection aka 'jak to jest zrobione', prawie jak na discovery:  

Main Sample

In the original DJ 600 Volt sampled quite a long loop from the beginning of 1975 Best of Your Heart by Rufus & Chaka Khan. I decided to create a totally new one using different shots from the whole composition.

Oryginalnie Volt wysamplował stosunkowo długą pętle z początku numeru "Best of Your Heart" Rufusa & Chaka Khan z  1975. Ja postawiłem przeszukać całą kompozycje i z poszczególnych „strzałów” ułożyć całkowicie nowego loopa. 


When I had the loop done I started to look for some drums selected from different sound banks. When the pattern was finished I've pushed up mid and high tones and compressed the whole mix.

Kiedy już miałem główną pętlę, zacząłem szukać odpowiednich bębnów. Sample perkusyjne pochodzą z różnych banków. Po ułożeniu głównego loopa, dodałem trochę środka oraz wysokich częstotliwości. Na końcu ułożyłem kompresora.


The bass was made using a Mikro Korg. Got the sound I wanted after a few touches, so only a bit of knob tweaking was required.

Bas pochodzi z Mikro Korga. Od początku brzmienie mi bardzo odpowiedało, więc tylko troszeczkę pokręciłem knobami.

Main Synth
The main synth's a Moog bass sample played in a higher register. Delay and reverb was added for a deeper and richer soundscape and I've cut the low frequencies.

Główny syntetyzator to bass sampel z Mooga grany w wyższym rejestrze. Do tego dodałem delay oraz reverb, tworząc tym samym większą głębie i przestrzeń, oraz uciąłem niskich częstotliwości.

Synth #2

The last synth sound was found in Reason. Again I've used the reverb, but not a too long one.

Na ostatni synth składa się brzmienie znalezione w Reasonie. Ponownie dodałem reverb, ale tym razem zdecydowanie krótszy.

Let’s put this all back together and see how it sounds.

Next time we'll be hosting an obsessed 'synth freak', stay tuned! 

środa, 10 października 2012

fLako - Eclosure EP

I had the pleasure to watch fLako live not so long ago during Up2d8 Festival in Białystok and have to say that this ep stands totally opposite to the live act  (but ofc it doesn't mean it's bad or sth). Production-wise Honey Drips reminds me of Yosi Horikawa w/ the added vocals. Dirg Gerner makes the guest appareance again on 1 of Eclosure's. The 12'' released by Five Easy Pieces will be available on November 5th.

fLako - Honey Drips


wtorek, 9 października 2012

Circle City Band Teaser (comming soon to Luv N' Haight)

Luv N' Haight lable (one of Ubiquity Records' imprint), home for re-issue of rare groove gems is preparing to drop a complete full-length album of the Circle City Band, including unreleased tracks. If you have never heard of this group before, Circle City Band is fondly remembered by roller skaters and and by their devastating funk groove of the early 1980s. First issue of these boogie kings from Indiana, was a massive 12" called Magic, that despite of its age (it's been 30 years!) would still rock the danceflors. So all you boogie funk freaks, don't sleep on this album, that will be released on Luv N' Haight!

Circle City Band Teaser

piątek, 5 października 2012

Slept on goodies: Eric Rico & Marc Mac - Direct Soul EP

This time around we've got something from back in the day for you, and perhaps you could've been sleeping on this as well. Marc Mac, one half of the mighty 4Hero (a legendary and pioneer duo that helped change the face of current electronic music), teamed up with heavyweight music allrounder Erik Rico from Los Angeles for a beautiful single called Direct Soul. EP by the same name was released back in 2010, and after two years is still fresh as fuck, being a real modern day fusion of many musical styles. Purchase the album via iTunes and enjoy the beautiful video. Have a nice weekend!

poniedziałek, 1 października 2012

Letherette - Warstones

The duo out of Wolverhampton may only have two official releases to their name, the excellent EP1 and EP2 released in 2010 and 2011 respectively but they have managed to make a scene shaking impression. I bet nothing can make one more happy, than when not so prolific, but dope artists announce release of a new album. This is exactly how I feel right now. Featurette EP will drop late November, and we can't wait! Meanwhile enjoy the freebie from Ninja Tune, Warstones, announcing the new EP.

Letherette - Warstones (from the upcomming Featurette EP)